When you go to a networking event do you set an intention? Is that intention to meet a potential client, a prospect, or even to…
So What Do You Do?
Have you ever dreaded going to a networking event? Maybe you weren’t sure who was going to be there or who you would talk to, or even,…
Being Memorable – Interested is Interesting
I was coaching a client the other day about his networking and growing his referral network. He was concerned about being memorable when he introduced…
Agreements: The Standards We Set for Ourselves that Make Us Referable … or Not!
When I work with a small group of business professionals in my Certified Networker® program one of the first things we do is set some…
Networking – From Contacts to Relationships
Imagine your dream car. What does it look like? What color is it? Does it have leather seats? How does it feel? Is there that…